The United States president signed an executive order on February 7th 2025 prioritizing resettlement of Afrikaners in the USA. Personally, I do not agree that President Trump’s order should be specific to Afrikaners: it ought to be that every genuine christian in South Africa is given a way out, regardless of their color or tongue.
Socialism and Communism have increased in every sphere in South Africa and no true believer can rightly live under such a character of government. Socialism makes a man dependent on the State, rather than his Father (Matt. 6:25-33), and under Communism a man belongs to the State, rather than the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
The word of the Holy Spirit to all believers living in South Africa is, “Get out!”
However, for now the direct offer of the US government is to the Afrikaner. I urge you, if you are a believer in Christ, to take up the offer!
Many Afrikaners I have met have said that they would not leave South Africa. They value “my land en volk en taal” too much. Some feel that “God gave them this land”. Others say that they have ‘put too much work into their farm’, or that ‘it’s been in the family for generations.’
But a believer is a citizen of Heaven (Phil. 3:20), and his heart is to be there (Matt. 6:19-21)! He ought to be prepared to leave everything (Mark 10:28-30). He ought to be prepared to leave his land and people as Abraham did (Gen.12:1). National feelings and love for culture should fade with a true believer: he is a son of God, and without national identity in Christ (Gal. 3:26-28). He is not worried about what has been ‘handed down from his father’ because he has ‘an incorruptible and undefiled and unfading inheritance, reserved in the Heavens’ (1 Peter1v.18 & v.4).
The Lord Jesus is a present Saviour, and the Bible Belt region of the United States has been provided by Heaven as a refuge for christians to flee to, until He comes to fetch all His own (1 Thes 4:15-17).
The present is a time of sifting and testing. Wherever the gospel has gone, the Lord is now gathering the darnel into bundles (Matt. 13:30). He is placing tests (eg. transgenderism) everywhere, to force professing believers to show where they really stand.
This order is YOUR test! It is an offer of physical salvation made directly to you.
Hatred and bitterness against the Afrikaner by certain in South Africa have not lessened over the past 30 years. A prophet, Deryck Noakes (1932-2017), originally from Somerset-East, said many years ago that, in the end, ‘the Afrikaners will be hanging from the lampposts.’ I see now that God is so loving, so gracious, so just that He has provided a way out for the Afrikaner! If you are a genuine believer in Christ, you would give up your ‘volk en land en taal’, and escape while you can!
Those who refuse to do so will not be able to blame God for what happens to them.
The time is near (Rev.1:3). He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies. Rev. 3:6
In the Name of the Lord Jesus,
Jared Pudney
The writer is an apolitical christian who lived in South Africa from birth until 2016. He currently lives in the United States, awaiting his Saviour’s coming from Heaven.